Vibrant ideas raving out striking rhythms of movements.
編舞:林波 阮日廣 黃大徽 古倩婷*
Choreographers: Lam Po, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Dick Wong, Christine Gouzelis*
11-12.7.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 星期日 Sun 3pm
Theatre, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre
“Dick Wong Tai-fai’s solo for Abby Chan Man-yee, Fissure, explores the conflict between the rational and emotional sides of the brain. Chan dances the same sequence of steps over and over while her “other” self, projected on a screen, gives her instructions. The introduction of music transforms the steps as they are accompanied by first one, then another sequence from Stravinsky’s TheRite of Spring. A smart piece performed with commitment by Chan. “
-by Natasha Rogai (SCMP)